Announcements: April 29, 2020

We had SUCH fun recording announcements.... but technology disagreed! So here's a screenshot to prove we were all there and smiling! 

    Mrs. Borgione shared something she is very passionate about - Poetry!!
Tomorrow, Thursday, April 30th, is National Poem in Your Pocket Day. You can celebrate by selecting a poem, carrying it with you, and sharing it with others. Join in and channel your inner bard! (Of course, we invite you to share poems any and every day year-round!

Here are some ways you can celebrate Poem in Your Pocket Day:

Choose a poem from our collection (or yours!) and give the gift of a poem to others! Print copies of the poem or share it digitally. Come up with a creative way to distribute it, such as in the form of a folded-paper animal or object or in a short .Video with sound and images―a decorated scroll, a poem tree, or a bookmark. Get creative and have fun!

  1. Hold a virtual poetry reading with friends and family. 

  2. Compose an original poem! Don’t fret over rhyme, rhythm, syllables or length―poems come in all sizes and shapes! 

  3. Share a picture with of you reading or writing poems!

Today, I share this poem with you! 
Instructions on Not Giving Up 

Ada Limón – 1976- 

More than the fuchsia funnels breaking out 

of the crabapple tree, more than the neighbor’s 

almost obscene display of cherry limbs shoving 

their cotton candy-colored blossoms to the slate 

sky of Spring rains, it’s the greening of the trees 

that really gets to me. When all the shock of white 

and taffy, the world’s baubles and trinkets, leave 

the pavement strewn with the confetti of aftermath, 

the leaves come. Patient, plodding, a green skin 

growing over whatever winter did to us, a return 

to the strange idea of continuous living despite 

the mess of us, the hurt, the empty. Fine then, 

I’ll take it, the tree seems to say, a new slick leaf 

unfurling like a fist to an open palm, I’ll take it all.

Interested in Intramural Soccer? Virtual Intramural soccer for all grades and any skill level! A great way to stay active while at home! Join this Google Classroom to find out!! Code:  hpdqhpf

Today, our National Poetry Month continues with a poem that is most fitting for this time.  So many people are working to keep us safe and provide us with necessary services. We are grateful for everyone who is giving!  In the poem, When Giving Is All We Have, by award-winning poet Alberto Rios, he shares the importance of giving, no matter how little it may be.  Enjoy today's selection here.

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