Announcements: April 30, 2020

Today is National Adopt a Pet Day! There are so many pets that need good homes, either to adopt or foster. Brady's very own Mrs. Beacher is incredibly passionate about shelter pets, and spends countless hours volunteering by giving them exercise and most important, love! She is excited to highlight this day, and let everyone know that even if you are unable to foster or adopt, you can still help! Local animal shelters will gladly take blankets and towels, cleaning supplies, and newspapers. Any little bit helps! Here are some photos of Mrs. Beacher and her furry friends!

Interested in Intramural Soccer? Virtual Intramural soccer for all grades and any skill level! A great way to stay active while at home! Join this Google Classroom to find out!! Code:  hpdqhpf

It is that time of year when AudioBook SYNC releases new books over the course of the summer. These books are downloaded through the SORA. See the flyer  for details! Download to your device and listen away!

Brady Middle School - Online Information Learning Sheet

 Click to access Learning Sheet with LIVE Links!

Announcements: April 29, 2020

We had SUCH fun recording announcements.... but technology disagreed! So here's a screenshot to prove we were all there and smiling! 

    Mrs. Borgione shared something she is very passionate about - Poetry!!
Tomorrow, Thursday, April 30th, is National Poem in Your Pocket Day. You can celebrate by selecting a poem, carrying it with you, and sharing it with others. Join in and channel your inner bard! (Of course, we invite you to share poems any and every day year-round!

Here are some ways you can celebrate Poem in Your Pocket Day:

Choose a poem from our collection (or yours!) and give the gift of a poem to others! Print copies of the poem or share it digitally. Come up with a creative way to distribute it, such as in the form of a folded-paper animal or object or in a short .Video with sound and images―a decorated scroll, a poem tree, or a bookmark. Get creative and have fun!

  1. Hold a virtual poetry reading with friends and family. 

  2. Compose an original poem! Don’t fret over rhyme, rhythm, syllables or length―poems come in all sizes and shapes! 

  3. Share a picture with of you reading or writing poems!

Today, I share this poem with you! 
Instructions on Not Giving Up 

Ada Limón – 1976- 

More than the fuchsia funnels breaking out 

of the crabapple tree, more than the neighbor’s 

almost obscene display of cherry limbs shoving 

their cotton candy-colored blossoms to the slate 

sky of Spring rains, it’s the greening of the trees 

that really gets to me. When all the shock of white 

and taffy, the world’s baubles and trinkets, leave 

the pavement strewn with the confetti of aftermath, 

the leaves come. Patient, plodding, a green skin 

growing over whatever winter did to us, a return 

to the strange idea of continuous living despite 

the mess of us, the hurt, the empty. Fine then, 

I’ll take it, the tree seems to say, a new slick leaf 

unfurling like a fist to an open palm, I’ll take it all.

Interested in Intramural Soccer? Virtual Intramural soccer for all grades and any skill level! A great way to stay active while at home! Join this Google Classroom to find out!! Code:  hpdqhpf

Today, our National Poetry Month continues with a poem that is most fitting for this time.  So many people are working to keep us safe and provide us with necessary services. We are grateful for everyone who is giving!  In the poem, When Giving Is All We Have, by award-winning poet Alberto Rios, he shares the importance of giving, no matter how little it may be.  Enjoy today's selection here.

Announcements: April 28, 2020

Interested in Intramural Soccer? Virtual Intramural soccer for all grades and any skill level! A great way to stay active while at home! Join this Google Classroom to find out!! Code:  hpdqhpf

You can have featured audiobooks downloaded to your device for free.  AudioFile Sync are books for teens.  The books can be delivered via Sora. SYNC 2020 arrives on Thursday, April 30.  See the file here for complete details.  

Today is Garden Day!

The Governor Tweeted "In an effort to have some lighthearted fun, we're having a virtual Spirit Week in #Ohio beginning tomorrow. Tag your pictures with #SpiritWeekOhio #InThisTogetherOhio and/or #StayHomeOhio and you may see them featured on our social media channels.”

Word of the Week: April 27, 2020

Announcements: April 27, 2020

Interested in Intramural Soccer? Join this Google Classroom to find out!! Code:  hpdqhpf

Did you know that Rachel Carson is credited with beginning the environmental movement with her National Book Award "Silent Spring" in 1962? This book presented research on the adverse effects of pesticides on birds, thus the silent spring. Today is a great day to go outside and enjoy the songs of the birds and refocus yourself and lift your spirits.

Announcements: April 24, 2020

Yesterday, Mrs. Massey joined us and encouraged us to Celebrate 
National Take a Chance Day
Learn something new! Get out of your comfort zone! Try something! 
A challenge is good for the mind, body, and soul!

Alexandra O‘Connor (grade 6) hanging out with some of her pets: there is Frankie, the Cockatiel, Luna cat (black and white) and Mazie cat. Missing is Molly dog, Grayson bunny, Ozzy and Boomer (Guinea pigs) and Pickle, the Bearded Dragon. They all get along!
Thanks so much for sharing with us! 

Don't forget to send in those pictures of how you are staying active during extended learning!

Announcements: April 22, 2020

Today we celebrate the 50th anniversary of Earth Day or why not make it every day! Let's preserve and protect the wellness of our home - Mother Earth! Make a small contribution by recycling that plastic, taking a short shower or maybe build a birdhouse. Go the the BMS Library and check our the many articles you can find in Flipster about protecting our planet!

Today the Library presents “In This Place (An American Lyric)" written by National Youth Poet Laureate Amanda Gorman. This short powerful video is has a message of hope,  the importance of sharing our stories, and the importance of art during challenging times.  This is a moving example of the Mass Poetry movement featuring 16 Massachusetts poets released last week in conjunction with National Poetry Month.  You won't want to miss this stellar collaboration of poets presenting In This Place.

The Reading/Writing Festival Book Club will meet on Thursday, April 23 - 8th grade 2:00 - 2:40 PM, and 7th grade 2:45 - 3:15 PM  to virtually discuss our final book, Ashlords.  Check your email for directions on joining the Meet.

Announcements: April 21, 2020

This week is National Library Week...the Theme is:

Fun fact….The theme was originally “Find Your Place at the Library” but in response to the CoVid 19 was changed to “Find the Library at Your Place.”

Did you know that our school library provides access to more than 6000 digital books and audiobooks? Use the Sora app and check one out today! Stay tuned for a reading challenge announcement later this week.

Today the Library presents “In This Place (An American Lyric)" written by National Youth Poet Laureate Amanda Gorman. This short powerful video is has a message of hope,  the importance of sharing our stories, and the importance of art during challenging times.  This is a moving example of the Mass Poetry movement featuring 16 Massachusetts poets released last week in conjunction with National Poetry Month.  You won't want to miss this stellar collaboration of poets presenting In This Place.

The Reading/Writing Festival Book Club will meet on Thursday, April 23 - 8th grade 2:00 - 2:40 PM, and 7th grade 2:45 - 3:15 PM  to virtually discuss our final book, Ashlords.  Check your email for directions on joining the Meet.

Word of the Week: April 20, 2020

Announcements: April 20, 2020

This week's Fun Challenge!

We want to see photos of how you are staying active! Are you taking walks, running, practicing your swing or throw? Send us your photos or videos to so we can feature you on our Brady Site!

Announcements: April 17, 2020

Technical difficulties once again, 

but here we are wishing you all a Happy Friday!

Announcements: Apri. 16, 2020

Happy National Wear your Pajamas to Work Day!!

Don't forget to send in your pet photos!!
Send photos to

The Library continues its celebration of National Poetry Month with a slam poem performed by the renowned Sarah Kay.  Slam poetry is a type of performance art using the spoken word and performance to communicate stories in an emotional way in front of a live audience.  Take a listen to Sarah Kay perform a "Love Letter From a Toothbrush to the Bicycle Tire" in the audio link here. Puns are used throughout the performance.  As you search beneath the words, what do you hear? Is it about a toothbrush and a bicycle or about young love? Give it a listen and enjoy the spoken word.

A Rube Goldberg Machine (RGM) is a crazy contraption which accomplishes a simple task in the most complicated and funniest way possible! Based on the “invention” cartoons of the famous, Pulitzer Prize-Winning Cartoonist, Rube Goldberg. His drawings and imagined machines are at the heart of the Rube Goldberg Machine Contest. They use everyday items (mostly junk!), they tell a story, and most important of all — they make you laugh!

What is a Rube Goldberg Machine Contest?
A Rube Goldberg Machine Contest (RGMC) is an event where students of all ages compete with machines that they have imagined, designed and created in a fun and competitive forum. The competitions encourage teamwork and out-of-the-box problem solving, in a fresh learning environment and level playing field. All you need is a good Imagination and a pile of junk!

Announcements: April 15, 2020

Technical difficulties ALL MORNING.... announcements were recorded but had major video and sound malfunctions! Proof that we were there!

Did you know that the NFL draft is supposed to happen in 8 days so if you need some sports you can tune into!!

Today in Ohio.....there is more quarantine!!

Mr. Feldman reminded all of us to send in those photos of us with our pets! If they can do cool tricks like June did on yesterday's announcements, even better! Here's one of Mrs. Drenik-Jones and Mr. Jones from the high school, and their dog!
Send photos to

He also shared with us his love for making his own pens! He has some REALLY cool ones! I'm hoping he can send some phots for us to see!

Today, the Library continues its celebration of National Poetry Month with a slam poem performed by the renowned Sarah Kay.  Slam poetry is a type of performance art using the spoken word and performance to communicate stories in an emotional way in front of a live audience.  Take a listen to Sarah Kay perform a "Love Letter From a Toothbrush to the Bicycle Tire" in the audio link here. Puns are used throughout the performance.  As you search beneath the words, what do you hear? Is it about a toothbrush and a bicycle or about young love? Give it a listen and enjoy the spoken word.

A Rube Goldberg Machine (RGM) is a crazy contraption which accomplishes a simple task in the most complicated and funniest way possible! Based on the “invention” cartoons of the famous, Pulitzer Prize-Winning Cartoonist, Rube Goldberg. His drawings and imagined machines are at the heart of the Rube Goldberg Machine Contest. They use everyday items (mostly junk!), they tell a story, and most important of all — they make you laugh!

What is a Rube Goldberg Machine Contest?
A Rube Goldberg Machine Contest (RGMC) is an event where students of all ages compete with machines that they have imagined, designed and created in a fun and competitive forum. The competitions encourage teamwork and out-of-the-box problem solving, in a fresh learning environment and level playing field. All you need is a good Imagination and a pile of junk!

Announcements: April 14, 2020

Love your Pet Week!

Send your photos of you with your pet doing fun tricks like June, or just giving you some love! Please send your photos to

Rube Goldberg Contest!
A Rube Goldberg Machine Contest (RGMC) is an event where students of all ages compete with machines that they have imagined, designed and created in a fun and competitive forum. The competitions encourage teamwork and out-of-the-box problem solving, in a fresh learning environment and level playing field. All you need is a good Imagination and a pile of junk!

Word of the Week | April 13, 2020

Announcements: April 13, 2020

Today's Poem

Rube Goldberg Contest!

A Rube Goldberg Machine Contest (RGMC) is an event where students of all ages compete with machines that they have imagined, designed and created in a fun and competitive forum. The competitions encourage teamwork and out-of-the-box problem solving, in a fresh learning environment and level playing field. All you need is a good Imagination and a pile of junk!