Attention all girls-The Girls Leadership Club will have its first mtg on Sept 20th. Please see Mrs. C Roberts or Mrs. Corrado for parent permission slips. The location will be announced soon.
Attention 7th and 8th-grade students!! You are invited to the Youth and Government Informational Meeting on Thursday, September 12th immediately after school in the Media Center. Are you interested in becoming a part of the democratic process? You will learn about the state legislative process, how to research, write and present bills and participate in elections of student officers. If you cannot attend the meeting, see Mrs. Young and Mrs. Drenik-Jones.
Congratulations to the 7th and 8th grade girls soccer team as they stayed undefeated on the season with a victory over Beachwood yesterday. The Lady Lions put up a very balanced attack with goals being scored by Camryn Zucker, Lilly Russo, Laila Bilsky, Grace Gallup, Emma Perkins, Bailee Federer, Maya Korland and Audrey Blaiser. Great job girls and good luck next week!
Coming next week! Do you want to have fun, be outdoors, and get healthy? Join the new Brady School Walking Club. Tuesdays and Thursdays after school we'll walk the trails on the Orange Campus. See Mrs. Cannata for permission slips.The Walking Club starts September 10.
Get these items below while you can!!! Available only until September 19, 2019!
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