Are you an aspiring leader? Do you have school spirit? Do you want to make a difference here at Brady? If so, you should join Student Council! Please complete THIS FORM by Oct. 11th. Our first meeting will be held after school on Oct. 15th.
Today will be the first meeting of 6th Grade Intramural Basketball. Meet in the gym after school at 2:45. Remember to bring your permission slip with you. You will not be able to participate without it. Please email Mrs. Kluchar with questions.
It's Written in the Stars....Read! Visit the library this week to participate in some Out of this World activities and contests. Make a lasting impression with a photo in our green screen photo booth! Sign up in the library and receive a pass to come during study hall or lunch. Make a guess on the number of Starbursts, enter the trivia contest, and check out a book while you're there!
Today's trivia question is:
Name the administration that celebrated its 60th Anniversary on October 1st, and has been responsible for human spaceflight, aeronautics, and space technology, including the Mercury, Apollo and Gemini Projects.
Any 7th or 8th grader that would like to participate in the basketball intramural program, please sign up in the media center. An information sheet to take home to your parents is located next to the sign-up sheet. Play starts Monday 10/22.
Attention all 7th grade boys interested in trying out for basketball: Sign ups for 7th grade boys basketball will take place this Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday in the Media Center. Any 7th grade boy interested in trying out needs to sign up and take the informational handout regarding registration on Final Forms.
The Brady Boys Soccer Team won the CVC South Bracket Tournament by defeating Cardinal 9-0 on Thursday and Berkshire 3-1 on Saturday. Sam Russo had a goal and 2 assists in the championship game. Dillon Fellinger and Sunjay Wyckoff also scored a goal. Congratulations on a great finish to the season. Go Lions!
The yearbook club will have its first meeting on TOMORROW at 2:30 in Mr. De Young's room. We invite all students to join in this creative experience as we design and create the 2018-19 Brady yearbook. Please sign up using the THIS GOOGLE FORM :)
Students! Take steps to grow as a learner, friend and person by taking part in the Competency Challenges! Record the challenges that you've completed at to be entered to win one of the monthly prizes!
Imagine, create and celebrate! PTA’s Reflections contest deadline is just a couple weeks away! This year’s theme is “Heroes Around Me.” Deadline for entries is noon on Friday, October 19th.
Attention all GIRLS INTERESTED IN STEM!! The Women in Engineering Program is hosting an event for all girls in 6th-10th grade on November 17, 2018 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m. . To sign up, see THIS FLYER! Inquire! Innovate! Invent!